intentional girl


This is one of those situations where I followed my own advice and acquired with intention (rare these days…you’ll see soon enough what I mean by that – I dumpster dove some chairs and now I have to give them away – yes, I’m retarded!). Anyhoo, here we have a Freecycled (you don’t know about this? Oh man, check it out here!) child’s school desk. Funny enough it was my old next… Read More

Today was a fun day. It was about 65 degrees (and let me remind everyone that the date is indeed February 1st) and I just HAD to take advantage of the warm weather. So, once everyone was nestled in their bed I headed outside to finish the hardware spray paint job for the soon-to-be bathroom vanity.  And yes, this renovation is taking a while. In the spirit of being intentional about our… Read More